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The Shakti Code -2023
Welcome - What to expect
What to expect - Welcome Video (8:59)
Invocation Meditation- Initiation into the Shakti Code
Womb Activation meditation
Her-Story with Jane Hardwicke Collings
Downloads to keep
Alternate Nostril Breathing vido
Castor Oil pack Video
Self fertility massage Video
Yoni womb Steam Video
Bonus Ebook library
Week One- Newmoon - Intention & Daily Self care routine
Newmoon Meditation
Newmoon Week One video
Self Abdominal & Womb Massage Tutorial
Alternate Nostril Breathing Practice
Week Two - Waxing Moon- Renewal, Moon cycles, hormones & Fertility Awareness
Waxing Moon Meditation
Week Two - Waxing moon Video
Week Three - Fullmoon- Illumination- Sacred Menstruation, Rituals, Natal moon psychology & Lunar Fertility
Fullmoon Meditation
Week Three - Fullmoon
Week Four- Waning moon- Surrender- Ayurveda, Fertility and Menstruation. PCOS, Endo, Fibroids & menopause
Waning Moon Meditation
Week Four - Waning moon
Week Five - Newmoon- Nourish- Herbal Plant medicine, Oils, Superfoods, Seed Cycling and Concious conception
Newmoon meditation
Week Five - Newmoon - Nourish
Week Six- Waxing Moon- Creation- Masculine & Feminine energy + Concious creation with Kaitlin O'Conn
Waxing Moon Meditation
Week Six- Waxing Moon- Creation Webinar
Week Seven - Fullmoon- Shamanic Drum Journey Meditation Closing Circle
Fullmoon Shamanic Drum Journey Meditation into Yoni Temple for Insight
Week Five - Newmoon - Nourish
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