Week Four of your menstrual cycle - Autumn

Week four- Day 21-28- West- Maga- Enchantress- Waning moon

Inward- Sensitive- Surrender- Process

As a post ovulation “come down”, energy is being drawn inward and “What is not ok, is not ok”; hypo sensitive emotionally, physically and mentally.Feminine inward drawing energy, subconscious connection, patterns and conditionings come to light, feeling deeply, be not do, prioritise, sensitive time, Truth time.

listen to the inner autumn- Waning moon playlist here

i hope you can join me to deepen your sacred menstrual practice with the Sacred Menstruation Ecource launching June.

If you have any menstrual conditions or wanting to deepen your fertility and connection to self then join me at The Shakti Code Ecourse running each season of the year.

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